Dear clients,
AGLA wishes to thank you for your loyalty with this new AGLA CARD PlusPremium 2019 Rewards Catalogue.
On behalf of AGLA I would like to thank our colleague Manuel Castro, Vocal of the Governing Board, for his selfless work, because he has found time where there was none to make this extensive Rewards Catalogue with all of his attention and dedication. He has produced a very attractive and high quality Catalogue, which also contains a collection of suggestions made by our clients.
AGLA is currently a brand image, the third largest group in Andalusia of Service Stations operating under the same symbol.
AGLA is the forerunner of true competition, although the true situation of competition in the sector is rather unreal, we have gone from a monopoly to an oligopoly. Five large operators have cornered eighty per cent of the fuel retailers market, so our suppliers are our own competitors.
AGLA has implemented new projects in order to adapt its services to the needs of our Clients:
- The AGLA CARD is a credit card for those who are self-employed and SMEs.
- The AGLA CARD Aglasavings / Cash, is a card for paying in cash and with bank cards, that accumulates monthly discounts and offers the possibility of receiving a detailed monthly invoice pursuant to your requirements.
- APP AGLA is a new project for an application for the latest generation cell phones. With this app we can find information on the closest AGLA Service Station, which one has the best price, what products it sells, check points balances, redeem points for rewards, check invoices issued or supplies delivered.
- We want to turn our website, , into a useful tool that will serve the needs of our Clients.The current imperative demand for work, housing or credit, makes us believe that we can do our bit, so we will include a section where our associates can look at the offers and requests for jobs and housing. If we can solve just one person's problems with this, we will be more than satisfied.
AGLA is an Andalusian Association that is familiar and participates in the life of Andalusians. Our brand is a synonym of quality and good service, respectful with the environment, strict and compliant with regulations, with full dedication to our clients and friends.
José Cortés Rubio
AGLA President
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